Thursday, November 7, 2013

Perspective on love

My perspective on love hasnt changed but it has become more spacific. I still would pick to love because of all the happiness that is caused though it is a lot of work to be in love. I now think that love is something that only can happen to people who are old enough.If you are too young then you will not understand how to classify or define your feelings and will not be able to tell if it is love or your just happy. Another thing i now think is that love takes time in certain situations love at first sight exists but that is extremly rare. Usually love takes time you learn to love individual things about them untill there isnt a thing you dont love about them and you learn to accept there has to be reciprocated or it is not love. Love is felt by teo people and without both feeling that they arein love its not real.many people think that is best not to fall in love though because of the emotions and stress that result or because they are afraid of getting hurt.they think they have to try so hard to impress another person to fall in love that it is not worth it. I have found through going through blogs that a larger number of males than females would rather chose not to love. I find this coincidental considering gender sterio types. But i belive that if you dont give love all you got you will always regret it.

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